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    Most Secure Payment Methods

    Creating better payment experiences

    If your business is interested in maximizing time efficiency, Payroc is the system for you. From traditional registers to mobile on the go payment processors Payroc not only allows you to organize and accept payments, but improve the flow of your business with additional services meant to save you time.

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    Benefits for Business

    Payroc is a payment solution that helps navigate your business towards success. Services like Easy Pay, Auto Save, & Same Day Funding allow you to easily access a portion of your credit card transactions and direct them towards building your business. Sign up with Payroc today and Have a POS that works for you!

    Choose from a wide selection of processing terminals.
    Accept all types of payments with a variety of terminals to choose from. From Magnetic Strip to Contactless payment, Payroc makes it convenient for your customers.

    • EasyPay Direct a portion of your credit card payments towards regularly recurring bills. Automatically pay taxes, rent, utilities, etc with a portion of your credit card transactions.
    • Autosave Make automatic, frequent, small payments towards savings. Determine the percentage you’d like to save, & Payroc will deposit funds directly into whatever savings account you choose.
    • Same Day Funding Never be without money you’ve earned! Access your funds the same day they are received.

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